Assistant Professor
About myself
Karuna Gudapalli , Assistant Professor of AIML Engineering, completed Masters of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering and earned Bachelors of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering . She has an experience of two years of academic experience.
Her research interests include machine learning and IOT.
☎ Contact Details
Assistant Professor
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology
Bachupally, Hyderabad-500090
Email: gkaruna93@gmail.com, karuna1657@grietcollege.com
Mobile: 91-9573141787
Curriculam Vitae
Educational Details
M.TECH (ComputerScience & Engineering), AHTC,JNTUH,Hyderabad 2017.
B.Tech (ComputerScience & Engineering) from NRI IT,Agiripalli, JNTUK,in 2014.
Diploma(Computers) from Govt.Polytechnic for women,Bheemunipatnam(Vizaga,AP) in 2011.
S.S.C from Gowtham Public School , E.G.Dt in 2008
Professional Background
Presently working as Assistant Professor in AIMLE Department at Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology-Hyd. Nov 2021 –till date.
Worked as Assistant Professor In CSE Department at DRK Institute of Science and Technology,Feb 2020 – sep 2021.
Worked as Programmer in CPDS(CSE) Department at GRIET-Hyd, from Jan 2017 to Jan 2020.
Administrative Experience
A-Mentoring Work.
B-Maintenance of Faculty Profiles.
C-Dairy Of Events Coordinator.
D-Lab In-charge.
Committee Work
Courses Taught
B. Tech (CSE) : Theory
1. Web services and Service Oriented Architecture.
B.Tech : Labs
1.Computer statistics lab
2.Computer Organization and Architecture Lab
3.C Programming Lab
4.C Programming & Data Structures Lab
5. Programming for Problem Solving Lab
1. Internet of Things,NPTEL,2019.
2. Cloud Computing, NPTEL, 2019
International Journals
Conference Proceedings International
Books Published
1.Participated in AICTE sponsored one week online short term training programme(STTP) on “Recent Advances in wireless communications and Future Challenges organized by Vardhaman College of Engineering from 13-18july,2020.
2. Participated in one week online FDP “Cyber Attacks & Digital Forensics” organized by MGIT in association with Indian Servers from 20 july to 24 july,2020.
3.Participated in One-week Faculty Development Program on "PERSPECTIVES OF ONLINE TEACHING AND LEARNING” during 08 - 13 June 2020 organized by the Department of Humanities and Sciences,GRIET.
4. Participated in Five days online Faculty Development Program on “ Contemporary Research Trends in Electronics & Communications, and Computer science Organized by Visvesaraya University,from 6th-10th july 2020.
5.Participated in “ONE WEEK ONLINE STTP ON OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES THROUGH MACHINE LEARNING FOR WIRELESS AND IOT” organized by Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women during 13th to 18th July, 2020.
6.Participated in the International Webinar on “Wireless Networks and the ns-3 Network Simulator” organized by Ganpat University, Gujarat, INDIA on 20th June 2020.
7.Participated in two day workshop on “Data Science and Deep Learning” organized by JNTUH during 22-23 July 2019.
8. Participated in one day workshop on “Block chain technology” organized by JNTUH during 29th June 2019.
9. Participated in FDP on ”Guide to a Passionate Teacher” organized by department of Career Guidance and Counseling at GRIET, between 29 June to 4 July 2015.
Professional Work
1.Coursera Project Network : Introduction to Python,July 5th,2020.
2.CCNA Routing and Switching: introduction to Networks
3.CCNA Routing and Switching : Essentials.
4. Microsoft Certified Educator for Technology Literacy