Dr S Govinda Rao
Professor & HOD
About myself
Dr. S Govinda Rao, Professor of Data Science and HOD of Data Science & CSBS Departments. He Joined in this institute since November 2006, completed his Ph.D from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada (JNTUK) year of 2017 under the Supervision of Dr AGovardhan, Rector at JNTUH. His Ph.D work on “A Novel Approach in K Means Clustering Algorithm to Evaluate and Assess H and G Indices of Scientific Authors”. He is around 14 years of Teaching and Research Experience. He completed M.Tech. From A.U College Of engineering at Andhra University, Visakhapatnam year of 2006.He Completed M.Sc.(Information Systems) from Andhra University year of 2003 and also he completed Bachelor Degree BCA from Andhra University year of 2001.
Dr. S Govinda Rao Research interesting areas are Data Mining, Computer Networking and Security and its application areas. He had published around 30 papers in various International Journals and Conferences and also he has Filed 2 Patents from Intellectual Property of India. He Guided 12 M.Tech Projects and 24 B.Tech Projects.
Dr S Govinda Rao has Life Member of Institute of Engineers (MIE), earlier he is Coordinator for GRIET-CSI Student Branch, during that period and he was conducted various Technical Fests and Activities under CSI Student Branch. He had Organizing Committee Member for Springer International Conference (ICWSNUCA) 2018 at GRIET. He attended around 20 FDP’s/STTP’s. Also he was conducted Various Faculty Development Programs in Department of CSE.
Dr S Govinda Rao actively participated in Academic and Administrative works in Department and Institutional Level. He got Topper (top 5%) certificate in “Computer Architecture and Organization “from NPTEL IITB. He got OCJP certification from Oracle Corporation.
☎ Contact Details
Dr S Govinda Rao
Professor & HOD
GRIET, Hydearabad
Mobile: +91 8712848071, 8309548194
Curriculam Vitae
Educational Details
Ph.D. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University,Kakinada, 2017M.Tech, Andhra University,Visakhapatnam, 2006
M.Sc Andhra Universitry,Visakhapatnam, 2003
Administrative Experience
Professor, Department of CSE, GRIET, 2017 to till dateDean Discipline in GRIET from December 2018 to till date
Associate Professor, Department of CSE,GRIET, 2011 to 2017
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE,GRIET,2006 to 2011
Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Raghu Engg.College,Vizag, 2005 to 2006
Courses Taught
Computer NetworksObject Oriental Analysis and Design
Unix and Shell Programming
Computer Organization
Digital Logic Design
Network Programming
Linux Programming
Advanced Computer Networks(For M.Tech)
Object Oriented Modeling (For M.Tech)
Discrete Data Base(for M.Tech)
Java Programming LabScripting Languages Lab
Network Programming Lab
Unix and Shell Programming/AUP Lab
Patents Filed/Published
File No | Patent Title | Date of Publish |
201841031239A | System and Method for Generating Electric Power to An Electric Vehicle | 31.08.2018 |
201841031627A | System and Method for Monitoring and Providing Electric Power To Power Unit | 31.08.2018 |
Scopus Indexed Publications
“Determination of mobile sink path in wireless sensor networks using learning techniques “International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Volume 8 Issue5 ,ISSN No: 2249-8958, 2019.“Improve the integrity of data using hashing algorithms “International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Volume 8 Issue 7, ISSN No2278-3075, 2019 .
“Extract smoothing images in motion video using sensor based camera‘s “International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Volume 8 Issue 6, ISSN No2278-3075 2019
“Performance analysis of supervised learning techniques on heart disease prediction” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Volume 8 Issue 6, ISSN No2278-3075, 2019.
“Detection of Malicious Uniform ResourceLocator”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume 8 Issue 2, ISSN NO 2277-3878, 2019
Scopus Indexed and IEEE Xplore Published Conference Papers
1. “Age grouping with central local binary pattern based structure co-occurrence features “ IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology, ICSSIT 2018 , Xavier Engineering College ,Tirunelveli,Tamil Nadu.
2. “Detection and Prediction of Breast Cancer Using CNN-MDRP Algorithm in Big Data and Machine Learning: Study and Analysis”, IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology, ICSSIT 2018 ,Francis Xavier Engineering College ,Tirunelveli,Tamil Nadu.
3. “Map Reduce by K-Nearest Neighbor Joins” IEEE Proceedings -International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery, CyberC 2018, Zhengzhou, China
4. “A Novel Approach in Clustering Algorithm to Evaluate the Performance of Regression Analysis “,IEEE Proceedings of the 8th International Advance Computing Conference, IACC 2018. Benneth University, Noida
5. “Modified Hierarchical Clustering algorithms to Evaluate the Similarities of Growth Factor IR Inhibitors by Using Regression Analysis” 4th IEEE International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation (ICCCA), Galgotia University, Noida
UGC Approved Journals Published Papers
1. “Obstacle Detection of Robot” International Journal for Research in Applied Science &Engineering Technology (IJRASET) February 2018
2. “A Review on Secure Multi-Keyword Ranked Search for Multi Data Owners in Cloud Computing”IJSRCSEIT | Volume 3 | Issue 1 | ISSN : 2456-3307, 2018
3. “A Survey on Malicious Attack Trust Management Solution for Securing VANETS”InternationalJournal of Computer Science and Applications January 2018
4.“Face Detection from Live Video Stream” International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering, 2018
5. “File Sharing System between P2P” International Journal of Computer Engineering In Research Trends Volume 4, Issue 8, August-2017
6. “Implementation of Robust Search Algorithm To Mine Data From E Literature Databases” i-Manager’s Journal on Information Technology, Vol. 6 l No. 2 l March - May 2017
7. “Effective Key Items Search on Databases by using Ranking Algorithm” International Journal of Modern Computer Science (IJMCS) Volume 4, Issue 6, December, 2016
8. “LocX - Privacy In General Location-Based Services(LBS)” International Journal of Research,ISSN 2348 -6848, 2016
9. “Evaluation of H ,G Indices of Scientific Authors by Using Modified K- Means ClusteringAlgorithm” I.J. Information Technology and Computer Science, Vol-7,Number 12 February 2016(Free Journal)
10. “Performance Validation of the Modified K-Means Clustering Algorithm Clusters Data”International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 10, October-2015.
11. ”Investigation of Validity Metrics For Modified K Means Clustering Algorithm “ i-manager’s Journal on Computer Science, Vol. 3 l No. 2 l June - August 2015.
12. “Assessing the h g indices of scientific papers by using K Means Clustering Algorithm“ IJCA Vol 100,Number 11 August 2014
13. “Progression Towards Controlling of Packet Loss in Networks” IJITR, Vol-2,issue-1,ISSN 776-778 December-January 2014.
14. “Clustering perspective in Attribute Bases Data Set in the Collaborative learning Behaviour”IJECS ISSN: 2319-7242 vol-3,issue-3 March 2014.
15. “Clustering Oriented Approach based on Assemble Method” IJITRValume.No.-1, Issue No.-5,August-September2013
16. “Plagianized web page Detection by Measuring the Dissimilarities Using SIFT” ,Journal of Computing, Valume No.-4,Issue-5, May 2012
17. “ A Novel Approach to Protect web Content Using Barcode” Journal of Computing,Valume No.-4,Issue-5, 2012.
18. “RNA Structure Prediction” Internationa Conference Bio informatics Database Management(ICBDM), 2006
Life Membership for Institute of Engineers (INDIA)—(MIE)
Professional Work
Seminars and Symposiums
1.Participated in a FDP on “Foundation Program in ICT for Education” Conducted by IIT Bombay, 2017.
2. Participated in a Workshop on “Machine Learning” Conducted by IIT Kharagpur from 16th -17th December 2017.
3.Participated in a FDP on “Data Science & Big Data Analytics” Conducted by Electronics & ICT Academy, NIT Warangal at GRIET from 4th -6th and 11th -13th November 2016.
4.Participated in a FDP on “Open Source Software Through TEL by Spoken Tutorials” Conducted by Department of IT, GRIET from 6th -17th September 2016.
5.Participated in a FDP on “Guide to a Passionate Teacher” Conducted by Career Guidance and Counselling at GRIET from 29th June to 4th July 2015.
6.Participated in a Two Week ISTE STTP on “Introduction to Design of Algorithms” Conducted by IIT Kharagpur at GRIET from 27th April to 24th May and 25th May to 30th May 2015.
7.Participated in a Two Week ISTE Workshop on “Computer Networks” conducted by IIT Bombay at GRIET from 28th May to 29th June and 30th June to 5th July 2014.
8.Participated in a AICTE STTP on “Pedagogical Training (Module-1)” Conducted by NITTR Chandigarh from 25th to 29th November 2013.
9.Participated in a workshop on “Spatial Data Mining” Conducted by Department of IT, GRIET from 7th to 9th February 2013.
10.Participated in a FDP on “Java Programming” organized by Department of CSE, GRIET from 29th to 31st January 2013.
11.Organized by a FDP on “Java Programming” organized by Department of CSE, GRIET from 29th to 31st January 2013.
12.Participated in a Workshop on “PHP with My SQL &Post GRE SQL” Organized by Department of IT, GRIET from 27th to 29th December 2012.
13.“RNA Structure Prediction” International Conference on ICBDM, 2006
Delivered Guest Lecture on Unix and Shell Programming at RIET Rajahmundry on 6th February 2016.
Got OCJP certificate with 98% from Oracle Corporation.
Got Topper Certificate (Top 5%) of “ Computer Architecture and Organization” from NPTEL, IIT Bombay